How Green Technology is Making our Planet More Sustainable

Green technology, or sustainable technology, is a growing field of technology that is considered environmentally friendly. This is because of the manner of its production and the energy it produces are less harmful to the environment than traditional methods such as burning fossil fuels.

A relatively new market, green technology is gathering pace as the future of energy production in a world becoming ever more concerned with climate change.

So, how will it help us going forward?

Green Technology

What Should Green Technology Do?

According to, the aims of green technology are:

  • Sustainability: Meeting our present needs without depleting natural resources for future generations.
  • ‘Cradle to cradle’ design: Creating products that can be reclaimed or re-used, ending the current ‘cradle to grave’ cycle.
  • Source reduction: reducing waste and pollution by changing methods of production and consumption.
  • Innovation: Developing alternatives to technologies that are damaging to the environment.
  • Viability: Creating an economy around environment-friendly technology to improve implementation and create careers.

Why Go Green?

There are only so many natural resources available on the planet, and we are burning through them at an alarming rate. Green technology is an attempt to create a sustainable world that future generations can thrive without further depleting natural energy sources that are already thin on the ground.

The effects of greenhouse gasses on our o-zone layer are well documented, and green technology is paving the way for a heavy reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

If not for environmental benefits, inventors, investors and consumers should be attracted by the great financial potential of the industry. Green-markets are fast growing, as are their profits.

Even at ground level, consumers can save money while doing their bit for the environment by buying into energy-friendly products.

Examples of Green Technology

Although primarily centered around sustainable energy, green technology covers a number of other subject areas including green buildings, preferred purchasing, green chemistry and green nanotechnology.

A few examples of green technology making a difference in the industry are:

The Solar Cell

One of the best-known green technologies, solar cells have been around for some time, but that doesn’t mean they’re old news. Using a process called photovoltaics, solar cells convert energy from the light directly into electrical energy, which helps reduce the strain on use of fossil fuels.

Mind-boggling advances in solar technology include a transparent spray-on solar film consisting of nanoparticles that turn normal glass panels into solar panels, and ‘Solar Ivy’; small leaf-shaped panels designed to make solar energy more aesthetically pleasing going forward.

Reusable Water Bottles

Not the most spectacular technology, but a cultural shift away from one-use plastic bottles is set to make a massive impact on landfill issues involved with the disposal of plastic packaging.

As of 2017, it’s said that a staggering one million plastic bottles were bought across the globe every single minute, so it’s worth everyone doing their bit to go reusable.

Wet Scrubbers

Not just someone stood there with an abrasive sponge, wet scrubbers are machines which provide an effective process for controlling air pollution by removing polluting particles and gases from industrial exhaust streams.

Dirty gas is exposed to a ‘scrubbing liquid’, typically water, which collects any pollutive chemicals, making them a key part of reducing environmentally damaging fumes in industry.

There are plenty more weird and wonderful pieces of green technology both in use and development as we speak and, as the market continues to grow, we’re bound to see some spectacular advances that set up the planet for a better future.

Robyn Matthews started writing about technology when she was far too young and hasn't stopped. She spends most of his time obsessing over computer software and hardware, and loves talking about herself in third person.