Instagram has an active user base of 700 million throughout the world. Right from the beginning of the application, it has been very famous for sharing pictures and thoughts, probably because the notifications start pouring in as soon as something is posted. It gives a different kind of rush to see the posts being liked and commented upon by friends and strangers. This is the sole reason why Instagram created a huge fandom and now also, it is being used for various marketing purposes and promotions, which demand to be liked. Be it your business profile or any personal account, likes are very important to keep your post on the top of the feed of your followers. Here are some Insta growing tips and tricks that you can follow to get the maximum value out of a post that you create and earn more likes:
1. Always take care of the photo quality that you post
The whole application of Instagram is based on pictures, and so, it is suggested that very high quality photographs are posted on it. A dull and badly pixelated image will never be able to attract the attention of the followers and they will simply scroll down, without reacting. To get more likes, edit the pictures well and make them look aesthetically appealing.
2. Put engaging captions
Captions are the small text paragraphs or sentences given below the pictures. The caption to be written for a specific picture has to be carefully written. There is a limit of 2,200 characters in the caption, but this is more than enough to put something relatable and engaging. Be it a call-for-action or a small narrative story which describes the picture, if it is liked, the post will automatically gain more likes.
3. Keep a filter constantly in use
One of the biggest tricks in making your posts famous if by making it recognizable. If you keep using the same filter, your audience will understand immediately upon seeing a post that it has come from you. This will generate brand identity and result into brand loyalty. It is very important to create a presence in your follower’s mind.
4. Keep it original
Don’t over-edit your pictures or make them so vibrant that they start looking unoriginal. Try and keep them as close to real as possible, while adding a different touch of yours. This uniqueness of presentation goes a long way while marketing on Instagram, and brings higher likes on your posts.
5. Colours also affect the likes
We never put our mind to the colour scheme of the post that we are going to do, but research says that it is equally mandatory. It has been found out that the pictures with their dominant colour as blue get more likes by 24%. This increment is also of great importance and thus, the colour palette must be noticed before posting an image on Instagram.
6. Come up with unique ideas
Millions of active users on Instagram are sharing their posts daily. But before posting, you should think why the other users should see your profile. Add relatable posts and organize interactive contests which have unique plans and prizes so that engagement increases with your posts.
7. Keep your views firm
Users tend to follow more accounts which take solid grounds on any topic. It helps people in knowing more about a certain issue and getting to know various other standpoints on it. They come and read, comment over the post with their own views on the subject and this increases engagement on the post. They further share it on other social media sites and put them on their stories and statuses as well. This firm view increases the likes on your posts.
8. Expand your target group
Avoid using regional language much, as the target audience will quickly drop down with it. You must always target at expanding your viewers and creating more relatable content with which, people of all sections and types can resonate. This will give an edge to your account over other regional competitors.
9. Hire or rent new accounts
This is a new technique of collaborating over Instagram in which you can either take over the account of someone else, or give your account to a famous person to handle for one day. This creates a mutual benefit as their followers can now see you and your followers can see them. This mutual interaction can benefit both of the users and it a growing technique in the field of marketing.
10. Feature other accounts
Talk to other Instagram account users through DM and maintain a good contact with them. Feature their work on your page and feature them on your page. Always remember, this is not a competition to succeed. You should take it as a supportive medium and help everyone to get up, while you too go ahead with the promotions of your social media account.
Hashtags can be searched for as well as followed on Instagram. Begin with the local hashtags which can help you gather a local mass. Thereafter, start using popular hashtags and brand hashtags to make your page visible in the searches. Always make sure that your Instagram account is public.
12. Add location
Try to add location to every post that you create. This will not only help you in getting likes, but also, the locals will show interest in our account and follow you. This will, in return, increase your popularity in that location and you will get more visibility on the explore option.
These are some of the major ways to get 1000 or more likes very quickly, without having to put in lots of efforts. The main target is to be careful of what you are posting and planning it strategically. After this, it is the resonance that your post creates with your followers and other users of Instagram which will help in maintaining the likes on your Instagram account.