What Causes Seizures?

There are several causes of seizures, such as neurological disorders, head injuries, or stress. It is crucial to determine the cause of the condition in order to receive adequate treatment, so it is best to seek help from a neurologist.

Seizures are common symptoms of conditions like epilepsy that can cause a lot of distress, not only to the patient but also to the family members. It results in alterations in behaviour, movement, emotions, and awareness. Knowledge of factors that lead to seizures is important in preventing and controlling the condition. Here, we will discuss the types of seizures, the involvement of neurologists in diagnosing and treating seizures, and ways of handling and avoiding seizures.

What are Seizures?

A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. Depending on the location, seizures can impact various parts of the body. They vary from mild, with little or no symptoms, to severe, in which they can even lead to consciousness and convulsions.

Types of Seizures

Seizures are broadly classified into two categories: focal and generalised.

  • Focal Seizures: These start in one part of the brain. They can be either focal aware seizures, where the person is aware, or focal impaired awareness seizures, where awareness is altered.
  • Generalised Seizures: These engage both the right and left sides of the brain from the onset. They are absence seizures, which are characterised by a brief loss of consciousness; tonic-clonic seizures, which involve convulsions and loss of consciousness; and myoclonic seizures, which are sudden, brief jerks of muscles.

What Causes Seizures?

There are many causes of seizures, and at times, seizures may be induced by no apparent reason. Here are some of the common causes:

  • Epilepsy: Recurrent episodes of unprovoked electrical activity in the brain due to genetic or other causes.
  • Head Injuries: Trauma that results in bleeding or scarring
  • Infections: Infections such as meningitis or encephalitis.
  • Stroke: Brain cell damage from interrupted blood supply.
  • Brain Tumours: Interference of the normal functioning of the brain by tumours.
  • Genetic Factors: Hereditary disorders such as juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
  • Metabolic Imbalances: Electrolyte or blood sugar imbalance.
  • Withdrawal: Abrupt withdrawal from substances such as alcohol or benzodiazepines.
  • Fever: High fevers in children, which may cause febrile seizures.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Increases the chances of a seizure.
  • Stress: Emotional and physical stress can trigger seizures.
  • Flashing Lights: Flash or physical stimuli can trigger seizures in persons with photosensitivity.

Role of a Neurologist in Managing Seizures

When it comes to seizures, a neurologist plays a crucial role in both diagnosing and managing the disease. A neurologist is a medical doctor who deals with diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Here’s how a neurologist can help:

  • Diagnosis: A neurologist will perform an examination to evaluate the medical history of the patient and conduct a physical imaging examination like an EEG or an MRI. These tests help determine the cause of seizures and determine the right treatment that should be given.
  • Treatment Plan: Depending on the diagnosis, the neurologist will make a personalised treatment plan. These may include medications (antiepileptic drugs), lifestyle modification and, in some cases, surgery.
  • Monitoring: The patient should visit a neurologist on a regular basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and to make changes to the process if necessary. The aim of the treatment is to reduce the frequency and severity of the seizures and the symptoms to improve the patient’s quality of life.
  • Education: They also educate the patients and their families on how to manage seizures, such as recognising early warning signs of seizure and how to manage the patient during a seizure.

To deal with seizures, one should consult a doctor, preferably a neurologist, for timely diagnosis and treatment. Dr Debabrata Chakraborty is one of the best neurologists in Kolkata, and with his years of experience, he ensures that the patient gets the best treatment for seizures.

How to Manage and Prevent Seizures?

Although some types of seizures cannot be prevented, there are measures that can be taken to minimise the occurrence of seizures and learn how to deal with the condition.

  1. Medication Adherence: If you are taking antiepileptic drugs, then you should adhere to the advice of your neurologist on when and how to take the drugs. Missed doses or even discontinuation of the use of the drugs leads to seizures.
  2. Avoiding Triggers: Avoid seizure triggers such as sleep deprivation, stress, or certain food items.
  3. Healthy Lifestyle: Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are crucial for the brain’s proper functioning and can help minimise seizures.
  4. Stress Management: It is recommended that meditation, yoga, or therapy be taken as part of the daily practice to minimise the possibility of having a stress-related seizure.
  5. Regular Check-ups: It is recommended to go for regular follow-up visits to your neurologist and have your management plan discussed and modified if needed.
  6. Safety Measures: Some of the precautions that can be taken at home include wearing protective headgear if required, avoiding heights, and ensuring that the environment is safe so as not to get injured during a seizure.
  7. Emergency Plan: Consult with your neurologist about when to seek emergency services and how to handle emergency medication, if any.
  8. Support System: The patient should involve his/her family and friends in the management since they can assist in case of seizures and other complications.

Identifying the cause of seizures can be challenging, but with the right diagnosis, treatment and management strategies, the condition can be well managed and individuals can live normal lives. Consult through Apollo with one of the best neurologists in Kolkata, Dr Debabrata Chakraborty, to know how to manage this condition.

Charu decided to unite her Honors Degree in New Media and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech and gaming journalism. You can usually find her writing about a variety of topics and drooling over new gadgets and games.