Anitube is YouTube for anime online. If you love anime but unfortunately, can’t find any good website from where you can watch latest anime episodes online then is the best website to refer to. It has an active team which provides latest episodes of hundreds of anime daily. is my favorite when comes to watch anime online. It provides multiple server access to watch a video from multiple sources. But recently, I am having issues accessing the website directly. After researching, I found that the website is blocked from my internet connection. So, if you are also facing issues to visiting from your browser then most probably is blocked from your Internet connection too. But, don’t be upset because, here I am providing Top 25 Proxy & mirror sites to unblock instantly.
Scroll down to the below table as it is providing the best and fastest working Proxy/Mirror Sites. All these proxies are added by checking just now so I am 100% sure all these work fine. However, I suggest you to check each and every one and find out which of these proxies work best for you.
Save this table or just bookmark this article to land to 25 proxy/mirror site article instantly whenever needed. Also, we will keep on updating this table with new proxies. So, make sure you are following this article to get the latest proxies.