7 Effective Triceps Dip Alternatives to Boost Your Arm Workout Routine.

Triceps Dips is an Effective Bodyweight Exercise for developing bigger triceps. Triceps dips are a popular bodyweight exercise designed to target the triceps, the muscles located on the back of the upper arms. This exercise can be performed using parallel bars, a bench, or a strong chair, making it versatile and accessible for various fitness levels. This simple yet effective exercise is not only great for building triceps strength but also engages the shoulders, chest, and core, contributing to overall upper body strength.

However, It can place significant stress on the shoulder joints, potentially leading to discomfort or injury, especially if performed with improper form. While this exercise is effective for triceps, it may not isolate the muscle as effective as some other triceps exercise can.

Here are some alternative to triceps dips which can be effective for growth of your triceps.

Lying Triceps extension(Skull Crushers)

Skull Crushers is a great alternative to triceps dips. It is an isolation movement works well for targeting the long head of the triceps and can help in growing bigger and stronger arms.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:- A bench, Dumbbells or Barbell(EZ bar is often preferred).

1. Lie on a flat bench, feet firmly on the floor.
2. Hold the weight with a narrow grip (overhand for barbells, neutral for dumbbells).
3. Extend arms straight up, then lower the weight toward your forehead, keeping elbows tucked.
4. Keep upper arms stable; only forearms should move.
5. Use your triceps to push the weight back up, avoiding elbow lockout.
6. Perform 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets, based on your goals.

Cable Pushdown

Another great alternative to triceps dips. Cable Pushdown is a popular exercise for isolating and strengthening the triceps. The triceps pushdown is one of the best exercises for triceps development. It targets the lateral and medial head of the triceps. Triceps pushdowns also benefit your overall strength and endurance by engaging your core, back, and shoulders.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:- Cable machine, V-bar, Straight bar or Rope.

1. Attach a bar or rope to a high pulley on a cable machine.
2. Stand facing the machine, gripping the bar with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart.
3. Pull the bar down to a 90-degree elbow angle, keeping upper arms close to your body.
4. Push the bar down until arms are fully extended, keeping upper arms still.
5. Slowly return to the starting position, controlling the movement.

Overhead triceps extensions

The overhead triceps extension is a great alternative to triceps dips. The overhead triceps extensions is exceptional for targeting the long head of the triceps. You can perform this exercise with dumbbells, barbells, or a cable machine. This exercise can be done while standing for added core engagement or sitting to isolate the triceps more. The overhead movement allows for a full stretch of the triceps, maximizing muscle engagement.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:- Dumbbell or Cable machine with rope.

1. Stand or sit with feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Hold a dumbbell (or barbell/cable) with both hands, palms facing up.
3. Extend arms straight overhead, keeping elbows close to your ears.
4. Bend elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head until forearms are parallel to the ground.
5. Engage triceps to extend arms back up, keeping elbows stationary.
6. Perform 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets, based on your needs.

Close-grip bench press

Another alternative to triceps dips. The Close-Grip Bench Press is a bench press variation that primarily emphasizes the triceps, while also engaging the chest and shoulders. By narrowing the grip, the focus shifts from the chest to the triceps, making it an effective exercise for arm development.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:-– A bench , Barbell

1. Lie flat on a bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor.
2. Grab the barbell with a grip narrower than shoulder-width (about 6-12 inches apart).
3. Lift the bar off the rack, locking out your arms with the bar positioned directly over your chest.
4. Slowly bring the bar down toward your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body for the entire exercise.
5. Push the bar up using the triceps and locking arms at the top of the movement.
6. Perform 8-12 repetition for 3-4 sets, according to your workout goals.

Triceps kickbacks

The Triceps Kickback is an isolation exercise that targets the triceps, specifically focusing on the long head, lateral head, and medial head of the muscle. It is typically performed using dumbbells, cables, or resistance bands.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:- A bench, Dumbbell


1. Position a flat bench with a dumbbell on the left side.
2. Sit on the left side, placing your right knee and hand on the bench for support.
3. Hold the dumbbell in your left hand with a neutral grip.
4. Keep your back straight, look forward, and tuck your left upper arm close to your torso.
5. Extend your arm behind you, moving only at the elbow, until fully straightened.
6. Pause briefly, then lower the dumbbell in a controlled manner.
7. Repeat for desired reps, then switch to your right hand.

Diamond push-ups

Diamond push-up is also an good alternative to triceps dips. Diamond pushup is a variation of the standard push-up that targets the triceps more intensively, along with the chest, shoulders, and core. The name comes from the hand placement, where the thumbs and index fingers form a diamond shape. It is also known as close-grip push-up.

No equipment is required to perform diamond push-up, You can simply perform it on floor.

1. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, with feet together or slightly apart.
2. Place hands under your chest, forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers, and engage your core.
3. Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping a straight line and elbows close to your sides.
4. Push through your palms to straighten your arms, returning to the starting position while maintaining a straight body.
5. Perform controlled reps according to your goal.

One-Arm cable extension

Another excellent alternative to triceps dips. The one-arm cable extension is an isolation-based workout that directly works your triceps, building them strong with much definition. This can be a great way to work each arm independently, correcting any muscle imbalances and improving overall upper body strength.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:-– Cable machine, Single hand attachment

1. Attach a single handle to a high pulley.
2. Stand facing away from the machine with a staggered stance for balance.
3. Hold the handle with one hand, elbow close to your head, forearm parallel to the ground.
4. Keep your upper arm still, extend your arm forward and downward until fully extended.
5. Squeeze the triceps at the bottom, then slowly return to the start by bending your elbow.
6. Repeat for desired reps, then switch arms.


In conclusion, while triceps dips are a common exercise for targeting the triceps, there are several effective alternatives that can offer better results or accommodate different fitness needs. Exercises such as skull crushers, overhead triceps extensions, cable machine pushdowns, triceps kickbacks, diamond push-ups, and one-arm cable extensions each provide unique benefits and variations that can enhance triceps training. These alternatives can help target the triceps effectively, allowing for greater flexibility in your workout routine and accommodating any specific preferences or limitations you may have.

Charu decided to unite her Honors Degree in New Media and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech and gaming journalism. You can usually find her writing about a variety of topics and drooling over new gadgets and games.