Upgrade Your Leg Day with These 7 Powerful Leg Press Alternatives.

The importance of leg workouts in balanced fitness can’t be ignored. Legs are one of the biggest muscle groups in a human body, legs not only contribute to good physique but also to strength and balance. There are plenty of exercises available to train your legs and leg press is one of them. The Leg press is a popular exercise performed by people worldwide. Leg press effectively overloads the lower body, leading to impressive strength and muscle gains.

However, what if you don’t have access to a leg press machine or want to try new exercises to help you build muscular and strong legs.

No worries, there are other exercises that are equally effective. In this article, you will explore some of the best leg press alternatives for leg mass and strength. 


The barbell squat is among the best and most popular leg press alternatives. Like the leg press, squats primarily target and develop. Squats are great exercise for the overall strength of your body. 

The main difference between the two movements is that squats are more challenging to learn and perform correctly, whereas leg presses are easier compared to squats and more beginner-friendly. Additionally, squats make it harder to maintain good posture and balance.


  1. Set the barbell at the appropriate height.
  2. Grab the bar evenly with your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Tuck your head under the bar and position your trapezius muscle against the barbell.
  3. Retract your shoulder blades, engage your midsection, and have your feet a few inches apart with your heels on the floor. Your knees should be slightly bent.
  4. Unrack the barbell take a couple few steps back to clear enough room and position your feet roughly shoulder-width apart.
  5. While maintaining a rigid body position, descend into a squat and move down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  6. Pause for a moment and press through your heels to bring yourself to the top.
  7. Repeat for 8-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets.


Hack squats, performed on a machine, target the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings while reducing lower back strain. Hack squats are excellent exercise, especially for those with no leg press machine. This exercise is an effective leg press alternative. It has many similarities to the leg press like Similar movement patterns, good back support, Ease of learning for beginners, and identical range of motion. In hack squats, you place the weight on your shoulders and move up and down by bending and extending your knees.


  1. Add the appropriate load to the hack squat machine.
  2. Set yourself up by positioning your back against the padded platform and shoulders against the top pads. Next, grab the handles to the sides of your head.
  3. Position your feet in a comfortable stance with your toes pointing slightly out. Keep your knees slightly bent.
  4. Press through your heels to straighten your legs and unrack the weight with the handles.
  5. Descend by bending your knees and going down until your knees are at a 90-degree angle and pause for a moment.
  6. Press through your heels and flex your quads to straighten your legs. 
  7. Repeat for 8-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets.


Leg extensions on a machine are great leg press alternative. This exercise targets the quadriceps, the large muscles of the front of the thigh. Doing leg extensions helps to build lower body strength and muscle definition. Leg extensions are also less taxing on the body compared to other leg workouts.


  1. Select the appropriate weight on the machine.
  2. Set the back support for your knees to be just over the edge of the seat when you sit down.
  3. Set the bottom pad to be just over your feet when you set yourself up.
  4. Sit down, position your back against the pad, and place the bottom pad against your lower shins.
  5. Grab the handles to your sides for stability and retract your shoulder blades.
  6. Flex your quadriceps to extend your legs against the resistance, pausing at the top position for a moment.
  7. Slowly bend your knees but keep the weight off the stack to maintain tension on your quadriceps. 
  8. Repeat for 8-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets.


Lunges are versatile leg exercises that target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, making it a great alternative to leg press. Lunges also engage stabilizing muscles and can reduce spinal loading. It involves stepping forward, lowering your body toward the ground, and returning to the starting position. Lunges are a powerful exercise, allowing you to shape and strengthen almost every muscle in the lower body. You can perform it with a dumbbell, barbell or without any equipment. 


  1. Start with holding dumbbells on each hand. 
  2. Inhale and take a big step forward with your right leg, landing on your heel.
  3. Bend at the knee until the right thigh approaches parallel to the ground with left leg bent at the knee and balanced on the toes while in the lunge position.
  4. Step your right foot back and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the motion with the other leg.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and sets.


Smith machine squats are one of the best leg press alternatives. Like hack squats, the movement shares similarities to the leg press, which makes it the ideal replacement. One difference between Smith machine squats and the leg press is that the former doesn’t have the same back support. Utilizing a Smith machine will ensure the bar path remains in a fixed position, giving balance throughout the exercise. 


  1. Place your hands evenly on the bar and tuck your head underneath, placing your upper back against it, like a barbell squat.
  2. Walk your feet forward to position them up to one foot in front of your torso.
  3. Position your feet roughly shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing slightly out.
  4. Press through your heels to lift the Smith machine bar and rotate it slightly to unrack.
  5. Descend until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  6. Pause at the bottom for a moment and press through your heels to straighten your legs. Exhale near the top.
  7. Repeat for 8-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets.


The sumo squat targets your lower body muscles differently than a traditional squat. You can perform a sumo squat without any added weight or use a dumbbell or kettlebell for extra resistance. The sumo squat increases the activation of the adductor, or inner thigh, muscles more than many other lower body exercises.


  1. Start in a traditional squat stance with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed forward. Clasp your hands together at your chest.
  2. Take a step to the side with your right foot until your stance is 3–4 feet wide, or wider than hip width.
  3. Angle your toes out and away from the center of your body (about 45 degrees) by laterally rotating at the hip. 
  4. Move your hips back slightly and bend your knees as you lower your body into a squat position. 
  5. Lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor. You can go lower or shorten the squat if the parallel is too low or if you can’t maintain your leg alignment.
  6. Pause in the squat position for a few seconds. Then, engaging your glutes, press up to standing, driving up through your heels.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and sets.


The Bulgarian split squats are an excellent leg press alternative you can do with little to no equipment. Bulgarian Split Squat or ’The Rear Elevated Foot Split Squat’ is technically a normal squat, however, it’s performed uni-laterally with one leg placed on an elevated bench and one firmly on the floor. If you are limited with weight or equipment, this exercise is a perfect substitute for a bodyweight squat. One excellent benefit of the split squat is that it trains the same muscles as a leg press.


  1. Stand tall, extend one leg back, and place the foot on an elevated object: gym bench, plyo box, chair, etc.
  2. Plant your front foot flat on the ground. Have your arms to your sides for balance.
  3. Descend into a squat by bending your front knee. Move down until your front thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Your knee should be directly over your ankle at the bottom position.
  4. Press through your heel to straighten your front leg and move to the starting position. 
  5. Once finished training one side, switch leg positions and do the same number of reps.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and sets.


In conclusion, while the leg press is a valuable exercise for lower body development, many alternatives offer comparable benefits. Adding bodyweight, dumbbell, barbell, and machine exercises can provide a comprehensive leg workout catering to various needs and situations. While the leg press machine is a standard tool in lower body development, it is not the sole path to achieving strong, muscular legs. By exploring and integrating the alternatives discussed, individuals can enjoy a dynamic, adaptable, and effective lower-body workout routine.

Disha Verma is a Mass Media student from International School of Business & Media (ISBM). She lives in Maharastra, India and loves to write articles about Internet & Social Media. When she is not writing, you can find her hanging out with friends in the coffee shop downstreet or reading novels in the society park.