Active Holidays in Larnaca: From Water Sports to Mountain Hiking

Think of a city with a beautiful seafront and deep historical background, offering many choices for people who want an energetic holiday. That is Larnaca, in Cyprus. No matter if you are a lover of adventure or like being in nature, Larnaca has different things to do that will make your holiday exciting.

The Thrill of Water Sports


Embrace the Waves: Surfing and Kiteboarding

Larnaca has beaches that are not only for relaxation but also perfect for surfing and kiteboarding because of the steady winds and transparent waters. Mackenzie Beach, which is known for its lively environment, has many schools where you can reserve lessons or gear in advance whether you are a new learner or an experienced surfer. The excitement of surfing on a wave, the salty touch of ocean water on your face, and the intense thrill when wind carries you across waves using a kiteboard – these are experiences that can both recharge your energy levels while also making them crave for more.

Diving into the Depths: Scuba Diving

Diving in Larnaca, for those who like to explore under the surface, is another reason to visit. The Zenobia shipwreck, which is often ranked among top ten wreck dives worldwide, can be found not far from shore. When diving here it feels like going into a time capsule where you see sunken ferry’s trucks and cargo that have been kept strangely intact. If you are a beginner in diving or have been doing it for some time, the local dive shops are ready with all needed equipment and guides to make sure your underwater adventure is both safe and unforgettable.

Outdoor Adventures

Hiking the Troodos Mountains

Even though Larnaca’s coastline is very attractive, the Troodos Mountains close by provide a nice change. The mountains are covered in green forest and offer wide views, making them perfect for hiking. Trails like Artemis Trail give you a medium difficulty hike with stunning views. The air from the mountains is fresh and you can hear sounds of nature, making it a calm place for an energetic walk. Do not forget to take strong boots with you and maybe arrange a guide beforehand if you are not familiar with the area.

Cycling Through Larnaca

For those who love cycling, Larnaca has a mix of different terrains that are great to explore on two wheels. You can enjoy scenic rides along the coast on paths by the beach, or go through inland routes passing by lovely villages and old ruins. Lots of hotels and nearby stores have bikes for rent. If you’re travelling with little ones, make sure they come with child seats. Cycling is a great option for exploring the city and its surroundings at your leisure.

Family-Friendly Activities

Paddleboarding and Kayaking

For families who want to do water activities that are active but not too risky, paddleboarding and kayaking are very good options. The calm waters that aren’t deep close to Finikoudes Beach are ideal for these sports. Rent a paddleboard or kayak, get on it and start exploring the coast. It’s a calm method to relish the sea. If you are fortunate, perhaps you will see some natural sea animals. Always make sure that the gear has life jackets and if needed, seats for children to keep everyone protected.

Exploring Larnaca Salt Lake

Salt Lake of Larnaca is a wonderful family hiking spot, not just an attractive natural feature. In winter, many flamingos gather at the lake making it a paradise for bird-watchers. The paths around the lake are simple to follow, especially good for kids. Do not forget to pack binoculars, a camera and maybe even pre-arrange for a guided tour to understand more about the area’s wildlife and past.

Practical Considerations

Pre-Booking and Convenience

When you are making plans for an active holiday in Larnaca, it is not only about deciding what to do. If you already know that there will be a need for certain services like AtoB Larnaca airport taxi, scuba diving lessons or mountain guides, try pre-booking them. Many providers have online booking facilities which can help save time and manage everything smoothly without any last-minute worries. For families, it is very important to make sure that any transport or equipment they hire like bicycles and kayaks have child seats or safety gear.

Staying Safe and Enjoying Fully

For holidays that are active and full of action, you need to pay close attention to safety. When you go for any adventure on land or sea, make sure it is done with the proper gear and direction. Usually, people who run these activities in the area are well-prepared and experienced which means they can give you both necessary equipment as well as required knowledge for a secure experience. Follow the guidelines given, consider local situations, and keep yourself hydrated. These steps are easy but important for having an enjoyable vacation without any incidents.


In Larnaca, you can enjoy water sports excitement or walk peacefully in the mountains nearby. In Larnaca and its surroundings, you can experience different types of adventures. Whether it is diving into the sea’s depths or hiking along scenic paths found in Troodos Mountains; every adventure becomes an unforgettable memory at Larnaca. Therefore, prepare your things, reserve an airport taxi in advance, and be prepared to delve into the numerous aspects of this lovely city.

Robyn Matthews started writing about technology when she was far too young and hasn't stopped. She spends most of his time obsessing over computer software and hardware, and loves talking about herself in third person.