Bodyrub VS Massage: What is the Difference?

Classic massage and body rub massage are two different types that involve using completely different techniques. The purpose of these actions is also different. In the first case, the main goal of the therapist is to work out the muscles, in the second, during Nuru Massage in New York the masseuse gives a person maximum pleasure from the process. Let’s talk in more detail about the differences between these two types of massage.

Bodyrub vs Massage

Massage & Bodyrub Techniques

Classic massage focuses on the intensity of movement. Masseuses make great efforts to work out muscles and all problem areas well. Pain is normal during the classics. If the manipulations are too sluggish and weak, the person will not receive the promised therapeutic effect. A neck or shoulders cannot be stretched with light strokes. Classic massage is effective and useful but not always very pleasant.

What is bodyrub? Erotic massage is a completely different matter. The movements are gentle and smooth, and the intensity is minimal. Active manipulations are possible only at the warm-up stage. For masseuses who are accustomed to “kneading” muscles, the process may seem very unusual.

Erotic massage also uses many different techniques and elements such as finger tapping, tickling, stroking, and pinching. There is no such thing in the classics.

Another difference between erotic massage and classic massage is that it works with the whole body and not just a specific area. Yes, there is a classic full-body massage but even during this type of session, some areas are not affected.

Massage Benefits

Unusual Appearance of a Masseuse

Therapists usually work in medical gowns or special sets of trousers and shirts. This is a uniform made from natural fabrics and a modest style. In men’s parlors, masseuses work in more revealing outfits or even without. These can be ultra-short dresses, robes, underwear, peignoirs, and swimsuits. In some cases, if the type of session requires this, the nude massage can be performed.

Spicy Atmosphere

If during a classic massage, the atmosphere is conducive to work, then eromassage is something piquant. Dim lights, pleasant music, aroma lamps, and candles look too romantic and intimate. The atmosphere is more reminiscent of a date than a work process because the body rubs definition implies complete relaxation and pleasure.

A Few Secrets of Erotic Massage

How to give the best back rub? By following a few simple recommendations, the erotic massage session will be at the highest level:

  • The main rule of erotic massage is the smoothness of action. Almost all movements should be smooth and stroking. The whole process should be relaxing.
  • Softness of hands. Before the massage, the masseuse needs to treat her hands. Remove hangnails, file your nails, and moisturize your skin well with cream. The softer your hands are, the more pleasure they will bring.
  • Continuity of movements. A man needs to be touched constantly with masseuse hands, fingers, and chest. From the beginning to the end of the massage, you need to be in tactile contact.
  • Smart moves. You need to make a “plan” for the massage in advance. For example, start from the back, move to the legs, then to the chest. You cannot grab one or another part of the body.
  • It is important to remember that excitement tends to rise and fall quickly. Towards the end of the session, the man should already be quite excited. You can recognize arousal both by breathing and by more obvious signs such as an erection.

Do you need massage? Check the body rub website to learn more information and book an appointment with a professional masseuse to get the best body rub ever.

Robyn Matthews started writing about technology when she was far too young and hasn't stopped. She spends most of his time obsessing over computer software and hardware, and loves talking about herself in third person.