21 Bubble.io Alternatives for No Code Apps/Tools Building

Bubble is one of the most popular and widely accepted no-code platform which is not only popular among startups, new businesses and entrepreneurs but it is also being used by developers as well as well established companies especially in the ideation phase of their digital products and services. The features, flexibility and accessibility of the platform has help thousands of business to come to life due to its innovative interface and environment.

However, as a business starts picking momentum, it becomes hard for it to survive on the Bubble.io and usually the business owner starts looking for bubble alternative, be it due to the slow response time & performance issues on large datasets, vendor lock-in & dependency issue or expensive pricing model when you have maxed out the free tier features & resources.

software development firm

So, if you’re on the same boat and looking for better bubble alternative, we are providing a huge list of 20 Bubble.io alternative low-code as well as no code platforms which you can use to quickly develop custom software, apps, CRMs, internal tools, reporting and much much more. Scroll down!

1. FlutterFlow

FlutterFlow is being treated as superior bubble alternative among mobile app developers, design-centric teams, startup/entrepreneurs which prototyping requirements and those with some coding knowledge. They appreciate the platform’s robost support for mobile app development, feature to integrate custom code upon requirement and the freedom to scalability that they never had with Bubble.

Flutterflow uses Google’s Flutter framework to provide the best performance, intutive and expressive UI and the comfort to develop mobile app for both iOS and Android from a single project. It’s mobile-first approach speaks volume to those Bubble developers who use that web-based platform to create mobile apps. Moreover, the extensive design tools, ability to add and export code, integration capability with 3rd party services and APIs and large responsive, helpful community entice even the loyal Bubble developers to at least give it a try.

FlutterFlow Website: https://flutterflow.io/

FlutterFlow Bubble Alternative

2. Noodl

Noodl is another great alternative for those looking to make a switch from Bubble.io. If you’re in need of robost web & app development capabilities or if your company needs rapid prototyping and iterative development then you can’t go wrong with choosing Noodl as your main no-code/low code platform.

Noodl is heavy on visual interface and functionalities. Through its very user-friendly interface it allows even beginner designers & developers to create complex application without requiring to have advance coding skills. The app provides so much flexibility and customizations that you can not ever expect from Bubble. Noodl offers a lot more integration to different services you powerup your app. And, if your team requires iterative development of a project than you’ll find it a lot easy to test your current prototype and refine ideas in Noodl as compared to Bubble.


Noodl no code Bubble Alternative

3. Airtable

For robost project management and collaboration tool, no other bubble alternative can complete Airtable. Airtable is widely known for its flexible database solutions and automation capabilities. It’s small learning curve lets even non-technical users build custom workflows and applications without needing any coding skills.

Airtable’s spreadsheet-like interface feels familiar and hence accessible to even those who haven’t worked on project development ever. The flexibility to offer powerful database functionalities with customizable fields, views and relationships allow you to create some apps with such ease that you will regret why didn’t you try Airtable earlier. Airtable offers very reliable real-time collaboration and data sharing facilities with is fast as well as secure.

Now, if you know little bit about Airtable, you already might know that the app is known for its scalibility and scope. You can crete from simple task management apps to complex data tracking and project management tools all without consulting any colleague to help you create any part of the application.

Airtable Website: https://www.airtable.com

Airtable Bubble Alternative

4. DronaHQ

DronaHQ is the Bubble alternative which is mostly considered by enterprise users who are in need of a secure and scalable platform to develop their internal tools. It is frequently utilized by business analyst to create software and tools with complex workflows and processes. Even the IT departments which are in need to create rapid prototype with governance and compliance feature frequently recommend their employees to use DronaHQ thanks to the features, prebuilt templates, analytic features and more.

DronaHQ provides extensive customizations only via drag-and-drop feature. You can put custom code in the app if you want. DronaHQ has an upperhand when it comes to integration with various enterprise systems and databases. It lets you create complex workflows to streamline business operations. And you can further utilize automations to supercharge your service. Quick app development & deployment feature, multi-experience output to create web & mobile app from one project, visual builder, enterprise-grade security are some common features that DronaHQ is being appreciated for.

DronaHQ Website – https://www.dronahq.com

DronaHQ No code Bubble Alternative

5. Adalo

Adalo is another favorite Bubble alternative for mobile app developers. The app uses mobile-first approach. So, if you’re in need of building a mobile application than the user-friendly drag & drop, pre-built components & template, native features like push notification and offline functionalities, rapid prototyping, testing and deployements and some of many features that are going to streamline your development and cut back the time a lot.

Adalo is preferred by non-technical users a lot due to ease of access and use of its platform. You can either use Adalo internal database or connect another datasource such as Xano or Airtable through the seamless integration capability that Adalo provides making it an ideal platform for users seeking more control over their app data.

Adalo Website: https://www.adalo.com

Adalo Bubble Alternative

6. Webflow

Webflow is a Visual website builder which lets marketers, designers and developers create super powerful websites that no one will question whether they know web development or not. With the help of drag and drop builder, design tools, robust customization feature powerful Webflow CMS, you will have a professional website catering to all the clients need all done and ready to launch within an hour.

Webflow provides enterprise grade security, performance and hosting to make sure that the speed and performance your clients website remain top-notch. If you want to integrate the tools such as Jasper, Hubspot, Typeform, you can do that seamlessly through its intutive interface. And, if whole team is working on a project, you can make use of collaboration tools to work better, add notes/comments to others work, define roles & permission, branch out team and do much more that 1+1 becomes 11, not just 2.

Webflow website: https://webflow.com

Webflow Bubble Alternative

7. Toddle

Toddle is a powerful tool that lets you create any type of website, software mobile or web application. It’s interface lets you add all essential components through the intutive drag & drop builder. You can customize the design check cross device compatibility, and add every component visually without entering even a single line of code. All the edit & customizations you do will appear in front of you in real-time. As your work is shown while you build it, you can troubleshoot it immediately which eliminates lots of levels in the debugging process later.

The collaboration feature of Toddle is superior to what is offered through Bubble app. You can branch out your team, track their changes, performance, resolve conflict in dynamic & efficient workflow. Whats makes toddle better bubble alternative is the integration is allows. With just one click you can connect any data source such as Notion, PayPal, Slack, ChatGPT, Maps, Discord, WhatsApp and more to fetch data and visualize content. After you’ve created your dream web app, you can export it as a template to any codebase such as WordPress in their code format. Moreover the community available at Toddle is second to none. So, whenever you’re stuck somewhere, you can go ask in the community and someone with a solution will appear within few minutes.

Toddle Website: https://toddle.dev

Toddle No Code Bubble Alternative

8. REI3

REI3 is an open low-code business application platform. It literally sets you free from platform-specific limitations to become a super cool bubble alternative becuase this application allows you to install itself offline in your PC and develop any app there with full flexibility, freedom and control. The application is best to create business applications that require task management, employee attendance, status management, etc. It lets you summarize the project data, employees input all in very information dense gantt charts, adjust forms, send notifications, set new business rules give restricted access based on employee profile, compliance.

You can connect your other application with REI3 using REST endpoints. You can search through your whole business project via fulltext search. The database is fully transparent and readable which allows you to understand and even change something in your database right away. REI3 facilitates enterprise grade security, end to end encryption. You can apply password policies, and being selfhosted, the platform lets you keep your application offline or host it on a cloud with full control.

You can publish your app and share with everyone or you can even sell it. the REI3 platform lets you share your work with multiple user, business partners or clients.

REI3 Website: https://rei3.de/

REI3 No Code Bubble Alternative

9. Wappler

Wappler is visual web app builder which is so much better than Bubble when need to develop responsive website, mobile and desktop apps. The platform is a very powerful bubble alternative in web development field. The main selling point of Wappler is it’s no vendor lock-in and full hosting freedom. So, you never have to doubt if you should put your time, energy and develop clients’ project here because your freedom is not snatched.

Wappler is great bubble alternative through its interface as well. It’s design tools allow you to intutively place any component or HTML element to any part of your webpage with the exact typography, spacing, padding that you want. The server-side logic builder can be build, edit and managed completely visually to help you create beautiful and efficient databases, messaging, file/folder & request processing smoothly. The no code API connector allows you to connect with any app without programming skills. Backup projects, track changes, revert to any previous version whenever you’re in need.

Wappler website: https://wappler.io

Wappler Bubble Alternative

10. Drapcode

DrapCode is a fast growing Bubble alternataive no-code/low code platform. The platform lets you create powerful and fully-functional apps without having to need any programming skills or developer help. The app provides simple drag & drop interface to build your tool the way you want exactly. You can import CSS/JS, connect to existing data sources, supercharge your app via plugins, do quick updates and preview changes in real time.

DrapCode proivides you full control over your source code, with just few clicks, you can launch your app to a custom domain or publish it as iOS or Android application all with full HTTPS enhanced SSL security. When you want to scale and take your app to the next level, you can collaborate with multiple team members via provided tools, connect various services through APIs, take use of full data & code control and finally, deploy your app to public/private cloud-based infrastructure.

Whether you’re in need of developing a customer onboarding portal, marketplace platform, client portals, back-office software with Google Sheets, Airtable, Salesforce etc. integration, multi-tenant Saas platforms, DrapCode is here to help you create the tool of your choice 10x faster

DrapCode Website: https://drapcode.com/

Drapcode Bubble Alternative

11. Dittofi

Dittofi takes pride in positioning itself as better than Bubble due to it’s intutive visual canvas to design your tech stack, no vendor lock-in policy as well as scalability features. The visual canvas allows you not only to paint your desired interface for the web apps but also make it pixel perfect, responsive, cross-platform friendly and integrated to all the desired services on simple intutition so that it will be ready to hand over to developers.

Accelerate your app development, provide full security, compliance policy and deply apps within days instead of weeks now. Dittofi is popularly being used by small businesses to create internal apps & dashboards, business analysts to track, analyze and share real time data feed and business of all sizes to develop MVPs, enterprise grade apps, custom software to power their business.

Dittofi Website: https://www.dittofi.com/

Dittofi Bubble Alternative

12. Weweb + Supabase

WeWeb is better Bubble alternative only in front-end development areas. But, don’t think that is limiting because that is advantageous on its own. Bubble tries to fit both frontend and backend in one tool while WeWeb has put all the resources, improvements and development in making on the front-end more intutitive and powerful. WeWeb has left the backend part to those tools which have specialization on backend areas. Many users recommend to use Supabase with WeWeb.

While it’s hard to create pixel-perfect responsive app in Bubble, it’s breeze on WeWeb interafce. The visual builder will let you create the app of your imagination without any limitation which will let you achieve desired results in almost half the time you would need in WeWeb.

WeWeb Website: https://www.weweb.io/

WeWeb Bubble Alternative

13. Bravo Studio

Bravo Studio is design-first no code app development tool which is good Bubble alternative for those who use figma for prototyping. You can of course create your app from scratch on it’s all-in-one flexible app building but for figma, Bravo studio facilitates dedicated plugins which make building your app fast and seamless.

Bravo studio provides full design control, native features and backend freedom to connect the database of your choice. So, featch design protype from figma, create its’ source code visuall on Bravo studio, connect your backend/database and you’re ready to launch your app on google play or app store with click of a button.

Moreover, if you ever need to do some changes, you can directly update the app on figma without requiring to upload a whold new SDK. So, for speed, flexibilty and easy of iteration, both developers and business owners like Bravo a lot.

Bravo Studio Website: https://www.bravostudio.app/

Bravo Studio Bubble Alternative

14. Bildr – Visual No-Code Development

Bildr has garnered a lot of attention to be a visual web app builder that you can consider to try as Bubble alternative. The applicate combines no-code framework with design and logics to help you build SaaS, web apps, internal tools, chrome extensions, user signup funnels, CRMs, progressive web apps & websites and much more.

This full-stack app development tools is equipped with all the features to let you create scalable data-driven web apps 10 times faster. You can start building your app totally from scratch or utilize any data source to build on them. The interface is very intutive and interactive which lets you create unmatched workflows, actions and map them like a flow chart. All the design elements are given to help you create the best experience without writing any CSS (or you can write if you really want).

Integrate app, call both server & client side API requests, store API keys securely on Bildr. Integrate user authentication, provide magic links all by click of some buttons. Whether you are designer, developer, marketer or agency Bildr has all the tools you need to fulfil all your and your clients need without touching a single line of code.

Bildr Website: https://www.bildr.com/

Bildr Bubble Alternative

15. Glide

Glide is NoCode AI-powered custom app builder which enables non-technical users or entrepreneurs to create custom apps in order to streamline their business operations, just like Bubble but in a much faster pace. That’s why it is consider to be smart alternative to Bubble. Glide utilizes the power of AI to allow you to generate such apps which would need a whole team to develop.

You can design custom portals such as for clients, employees and investors. You can create custom dashboard to visualize important data of your business operations. Create CRM tailored to your business’s process, workflows and industry. Build smart knowledge management apps, inventory management & control and much more.

Glide allows you to connect to your data wherever it is available whether its on spreadsheet or SQL databases or anything in between. You can break information slides, consolidate software licenses, filter data from multiple sources to create business logics, etc. Glide lets you create both frontend & backend professionally without requiring to hire professionals.

Glide Website: https://www.glideapps.com/

GlideApp Bubble Alternative

16. SAP Appgyver

SAP AppGyer is the original free no-code full stack visual app development platform. It provides you all the features that Bubble has but has so much more to offer that’s why users who used it once consider SAP to be a better alternative to Bubble.

SAP lets you utilize its visual builder to create pixel-perfect web and mobile apps. Create advanced backends with cloud functions & integration. Connect services to supercharge your apps, collaborate with your team to track changes.

You can build fully fledged cloud-service without code, connect to SAP or non-SAP solutions securely with already available connectors. For non-enterprise and learning projects, I find SAP to be the one to start with.

SAP Appygyver Website: https://www.appgyver.com/

SAP Appgyver Bubble Alternative

17. Softr

Softr makes converting boring spreadsheet, database data into internal tools interesting, creative and easy. Giving a tough competition to Bubble, Softr has emerged as the goto application for many businesses who are looking to create portals, internal tools or analytic dashboards.

Softr provides functional blocks like Lists, Charts, Forms, Tables, etc. to create the app with just drag and drop without requiring any complicated development team. Connect your data from your trusted sources such as AirTable, Google Sheets, HubSpot, etc., Create user roles and restrict their access with permissions, intergrate other apps/services, create workflow using their data. And when you finally have the app you want, you can directly deploy it to publish to iOS Store, Google Play Store and Microsoft App Store.

Softr Website: https://www.softr.io/

Softr Bubble Alternative

18. Nandbox

New developers have created thriving business using Nandbox. Nandbox is a great alternative to Bubble due to all the unique features it provides. Nandbox lets you create native mobile apps in minutes using its native components that might need to make lots of efforts even via another no-code / low code platform. Native components such as group chats, map tracking, interactive channels, booking system, video/voice calling, mobile ecommerce etc. makes it seamless to develop those apps which can utilize power of these components.

This unique take on no-code platforms by Nandbox and all of it, provided for free, really helps you boost your company’s productivity, efficiency and ROI.

Nandbox Website: https://nandbox.com/

Nandbox Bubble Alternative

19. retool

Retool is a no code platform that has specialized itself in developing internal tools. Retool has made itself a better & faster alternative to bubble when it comes to developing internal tools with governance compliance. It’s building blocks let you create workflow automations that connect to your dabatases and APIs.

Retool provides over 100 pre-built components with full IDE. It is mainly cater to developers who know coding to allow them to code also anywhere any anything. It lets you connect to any data soucr, debug, inspect app state, review versions and manage deployments, releases and environment all without opening any other app.

Retool Website: https://retool.com/

Retool Bubble Alternative

20. UI Bakery

UI Bakery is not a no code platform but rather a low code platform which helps developers in all the app development stages to create the required app faster. It’s better alternative to Bubble in many areas such as it allows 30+ native integrations including SQL, noSQL databases, HTTP APIs, third party tools. It’s drag and drop builder provides 75+ components which you can directly put into your app without requiring to code in CSS or JS.

Display sets of data in tables, list or grid format, customize positioning on different devices, build custom tables or data sets. Add new conditions, modify/edit/delete existing ones, add intervals, use state variable even write custom SQL queries for additional control. UI Bakery gives you all the powers.

You can implement Gitflow or your preferred Git branching strategy to control versions and releases. Deployment is as easy as clicking the “Release” button finally. For your apps, you can opt for both self hosted or UI Bakery cloud hosting platform which is available with predictable pricing.

UI Bakery Website: https://uibakery.io/

uibakery bubble alternative

21. NoCode

NoCode Tech is not a platform to build app but rather a website which is spreading education and awareness about no code movement. Every passionate no code developer should follow this website on regular basis to stay informed about what’s new happening on No Code community. Also, don’t forget it’s a good website to clear your fundamentals. Find success stories, case studies, courses, and much more. Know for your specific app, what kind of technology you would need to vet out other no code platforms.

NoCode Website: https://www.nocode.tech/

No Code Bubble Alternative

With so many great alternative now available for Bubble platform, I am sure for the features or functionality you’re facing issues in Bubble, these bubble alternatives will be doing better in that specific area. So, it’s better to migrate now than later. Try them out and let us know your experience.

Charu decided to unite her Honors Degree in New Media and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech and gaming journalism. You can usually find her writing about a variety of topics and drooling over new gadgets and games.