5 Best Sites to Buy TikTok Likes (Cheap and High Quality)

Looking to boost your TikTok presence quickly and effectively? One of the easiest ways to gain visibility and engagement on the platform is by purchasing likes. With so many services available. It can be challenging to choose the best one that offers both higher quality and affordability. In this guide we’ve reviewed five top rated sites where you can buy TikTok likes. These sites not only offer competitive prices. Ensure that you receive real, active engagement to help grow your account.


Learn more about buy TikTok likes services with facts:

Score: 9.8

Buy TikTok Likes


  • Offers a wide range of services, including followers, likes, views, and comments.
  • User-friendly interface that makes the purchasing process straightforward.
  • High-quality engagement with real and active followers.
  • Provides 24/7 customer support for any issues or inquiries.
  • Quick delivery times, often within a few hours of purchase.


Prices are on the higher side compared to some competitors.


Instafollowers offers various packages to suit different needs. Prices start from $1.25 for 100 likes and go up depending on the number of followers you wish to purchase. There are also discounts available for bulk orders.

Delivery Time

One of the fastest in the market, Instafollowers typically delivers orders within a few hours. Larger orders might take slightly longer but are usually completed within 24 hours.

Customer Feedback

Customers generally rave about the service quality and quick delivery times. Many highlight the real and engaging followers they receive, which helps boost their social media presence effectively.


Score: 9.3


  • Specializes in TikTok growth, ensuring targeted and relevant followers.
  • Custom growth strategies tailored to individual accounts.
  • Secure and safe service with no risk of account bans.
  • Dedicated account manager for personalized service.


  • Can be pricier than other similar services.
  • Growth can be slower compared to automated services.


TokGrowth offers personalized plans starting at $49 per month. The pricing varies depending on the level of service and the number of likes targeted each month.

Delivery Time

While TokGrowth may not offer instant results, their strategy-focused approach ensures steady and organic growth over time. Most users see noticeable improvements within a few weeks.

Customer Feedback

Feedback is mostly positive, with users appreciating the organic growth and dedicated support. However, some mention that the initial growth phase can be slower compared to other services.


Score: 8.7


  • Provides engagement across multiple platforms, including YouTube and Instagram.
  • Affordable pricing options.


  • Quality of engagement can vary.
  • Delivery times can be inconsistent.


Views offers competitive pricing starting from $4.99 for 100 views. They also provide various packages for likes, comments and likes, catering to different needs and budgets.

Delivery Time

Delivery times can be hit or miss. Smaller orders are usually fulfilled within a few hours, but larger orders might take up to 48 hours.

Customer Feedback

Customers generally appreciate the affordability and ease of use. However, some have noted variability in the quality of engagement and occasional delays in delivery.


Score: 8.3


  • Focuses on organic Instagram growth through manual interactions.
  • No bots or fake followers, ensuring genuine engagement.
  • Emphasis on long-term growth and sustainability.


  • Slower growth process due to manual interactions.
  • Almost highest cost compared to some automated services.


Growthoid offers monthly plans starting at $49, with higher-tier plans available for those seeking more aggressive growth strategies.

Delivery Time

Since Growthoid relies on manual interactions, growth is steady but slower. Most users see significant results within the first month.

Customer Feedback

Users appreciate the genuine engagement and personalized approach. However, the slower growth pace can be a downside for those looking for immediate results.


Score: 7.9


  • Wide range of services covering multiple social media platforms.
  • User-friendly website with simple navigation.
  • Decent customer support available via chat and email.


  • Quality of likes and engagement can be inconsistent.
  • Delivery times may vary.


SidesMedia offers budget-friendly options starting from $4.99 for 100 likes. They also have various packages for likes, views, and comments.

Delivery Time

Delivery times are generally prompt for smaller orders, typically within 24 hours. Larger orders may take up to 48 hours or more.

Customer Feedback

Feedback is mixed, with some customers praising the affordability and variety of services. Others have noted inconsistencies in the quality of followers and occasional delays in delivery.

How We Choose These Top Sites Selling Real Tiktok Likes?

Here’s a detailed look at the criteria we used.


Features and Services

We analyzed the range of features and services each provider offers. This includes not just the basic service of selling likes, but also additional features such as targeted likes, automatic likes for future posts, and package deals that include followers or comments. Providers that offer a variety of services tailored to different needs and goals scored higher in this category.


Pricing is a crucial factor for many users. We compared the cost of various packages, ensuring that the prices are competitive. Transparent pricing with no hidden fees was also a key consideration.

Delivery Time

Speed of delivery is important when you’re looking to boost your social media presence quickly. We looked at how long it takes for likes to start appearing after purchase and how soon the entire order is fulfilled. Sites that offer instant or very fast delivery times, without compromising the quality of likes, ranked higher in our review.

Quality of Engagement

Not all likes are created equal. We assessed the quality of the engagement provided by each site. This includes evaluating whether the likes come from real, active Tiktok accounts rather than bots or inactive profiles. High quality engagement from genuine accounts is crucial for maintaining the authenticity and credibility of your profile.

Customer Support

Good customer support can make a big difference, especially if you encounter any issues with your order. We tested the responsiveness and helpfulness of each provider’s customer service team. Providers with knowledgeable and accessible support, available through various channels like email, chat, or phone, were rated higher.

Security and Privacy

Your security and privacy are paramount when buying Tiktok likes. We reviewed each site’s security measures, such as secure payment gateways. Sites that prioritize user privacy and ensure safe transactions were given higher marks.

Customer Feedback

Real customer feedback provides valuable insights into the reliability and effectiveness of a service. We scoured reviews and testimonials from genuine users to gauge overall satisfaction. Sites with consistently positive feedback and high ratings were favored in our review.

Why Should You Buy Tiktok Likes?

Let’s check:

  • More engagement leads to better visibility.
  • Draw more customers with engaging posts.
  • Make your marketing budget go further.
  • Strong Tiktok presence boosts your overall online credibility.
  • Drive traffic to your website or other social media profiles.
  • Build a loyal following across multiple platforms.
  • Launching a new product? Buy likes for more visibility.
  • More likes lead to more organic engagement and sales.
  • Build your business’s credibility on Tiktok.
  • Struggling to get noticed? Buying likes can help.
  • Attract real followers and brand deals.
  • Jumpstart your influencer career with higher engagement.
  • Want to monetize your content? Start with more likes.
  • Higher engagement catches brands’ attention.
  • Secure sponsorships and affiliate deals with a strong profile.

Is It Safe to Buy Tiktok Likes?

Buying TikTok likes can be safe if done correctly. Always choose reputable providers with positive reviews and genuine likes from active users. Avoid services that offer instant, massive boosts or extremely cheap rates as these often use fake accounts. Gradual growth is important to avoid raising suspicions with TikTok’s algorithm. Protect your personal information by using secure payment methods and never sharing your TikTok password. Quality over quantity is key. Focus on getting real engagement.

How to Buy Instagram Likes?

If You Decide to Buy:

  • Research Providers: Look for reputable services that offer likes from real, active users.
  • Compare Packages: Prices and what’s included vary. Choose a gradual delivery option to avoid raising red flags with Instagram’s algorithm.
  • Protect Your Info: Use a trusted provider that prioritizes your privacy and security

Final Thought

Buying Instagram likes can help your profile grow, but you must choose wisely. Follow these steps to find a good service that gives real likes. This way your Instagram account will look better and attract more people. Remember, picking a safe and reliable provider is key. With the right choice, your Instagram can stand out and succeed.

Charu decided to unite her Honors Degree in New Media and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech and gaming journalism. You can usually find her writing about a variety of topics and drooling over new gadgets and games.