6 Tips for Efficient Progression in Summoners War Sky Arena

In addition to mobile, PC players can now access Summoners War Sky Arena on Steam. If you’re ready to go on your summoner trip but are worried about making any blunders, there are some things to keep in mind. If you commit certain errors, it will be considerably more difficult for you to progress. Since Summoners War is a more complex game than it first seems, we are going to share 6 major tips that will help you for efficient progression.

However, if you don’t want to go through all the hassle, you can just buy Summoners War account from U7BUY. It’s cheap and easy to use.

Summoners War Arena

1. Keeping The Introductory Monster Summons

It’s easy to conclude that the monsters you call out in the tutorial are among the worst you can summon. No, it is not the case with Summoners War Sky Arena. Your staff will be very helpful in guiding you through the tutorials and basic story parts.

Since every monster has a specific function, you may still advance with the squad you’ve been given even if you don’t have exceptional summoning success after the lesson is over.

Should you summon one, remember to save them

  • Fire harpu
  • Water garuda
  • Whatever element howls
  • All monsters, either light or dark

2. Join A Guild

In Summoners War Sky Arena, you are sadly losing out on a tonne of content and awards if you are not a Guild member, regardless of where you are in the game. Having pioneered Guild content in gacha games, Summoners War Sky Arena is proud of its extensive selection of Guild content.

Participating in the many game types a Guild offers—Siege Battle Competition, Guild Battle, World Guild Tournament, Tartarus Labyrinth, Monster Subjugation, and Guild Rival Battle—is supposed to earn players not just assistance from other powerful players but also a lot of prizes.

3. Focusing on PvE Monsters First

Many new players first concentrate a lot on the PvP section of the game. Yes, for each player in Summoners War Sky Arena, PvP may be the ultimate goal, but the secret to winning and moving forward in the game is to concentrate on PvE content. Though a proper balance is required, this does not mean you should constantly disregard PvP modes.

The time commitment in Summoners War Sky Arena is considerable, so you should constantly seek to build monsters that will shorten your typical game time and accelerate your advancement.

4. Do Not Underestimate Monster Skills

If you’re not familiar with team-building games, you might easily neglect certain abilities. Though occasionally, other abilities like filling up an attack bar may not appear as crucial, a defence break seems certainly handy.

Though there is a lot of in-game language to master, everything that helps your team by reducing negative effects, boosting speed, or filling up attack bars may be just as crucial as the strikes that do more damage.

You can check out this article to find the best monsters in Summoners War.

5. Obtain And Upgrade Runes

Even the most feeble summoned creature may be strengthened by Summoners War runes. When talking about monsters, there are definitely levels of quality, yet even the so-called finest creatures will be easily killed without runes.

Runes will increase your stats when equipped, but keep in mind to improve them as you progress. A one-star quality rune will soon give way to two- and three-star level runes.

6. Don’t Pay To Play Or Win

As with many other free mobile games, Summoner’s War depends on microtransactions to support its content. There is a large selection of packages available at any one moment to get in-game currency or scrolls.

When your energy runs out or you want to keep improving your runes but you run out of mana stones, it might be tempting to spend money on the game.

To play, however, none of it is really necessary. There are frequently occurring events in Summoners War that provide you with energy and scrolls. Upgrades to the energy and mana stone-earning equipment will also be available as you go, allowing you to earn more quickly.

Charu decided to unite her Honors Degree in New Media and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech and gaming journalism. You can usually find her writing about a variety of topics and drooling over new gadgets and games.