Horizon-Agency (Orienta United Agency OÜ) explains the great 5G revolution 

The emergence of mobile phones has been a constant parallel evolution of networks and devices. Initially, a simple call from a phone the size of a backpack was unthinkable … and now we have a powerful computer connected to the internet that fits in our pocket. However, the revolution has only just begun and what is coming our way is tremendously disruptive. Today, Cristian Carmona, co-founder of Horizon-Agency (Orienta United Agency OÜ) explains the following revolution: 5G. 

What is 5G? 

The G in the name refers to the generation, so we are talking about the fifth-generation mobile connection. Obviously, each generation is a qualitative leap compared to the previous generation, but in this case, the leap is even greater. So much so that it has come to be called “the fourth industrial revolution.”


What advantages does 5G bring? 

As Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) tells us in their blog article. At the level of interconnection of devices through mobile networks, a connection capacity not known until now will be seen, with the main characteristics: 

  • Big increase in speed. The current speed of mobile connections seems fast to us, but because we do not know the power of 5G. We will be able to see a high definition video as it is downloaded in real time and the contents of the video games will be able to run in streaming without the need to install large space packages on mobile devices. 
  • Lower latency. Latency is the time it takes to make a transmission, when there is a lot of latency, all applications that work in real time are jerky and choppy. Currently in 4G we have very reasonable latencies of 20 or 30 milliseconds. With 5G you can enjoy latencies of as little as 1 millisecond. 
  • Geopositioning with height. The device can be located with much greater precision and even height, differentiating, for example, if the device is on the first or second floor. Which will enhance all kinds of devices that use geopositioning in closed spaces and cities. 
  • Interconnectivity. The number of devices that can be connected right now is largely limited by the capacity of the local antennas (locally by the connection capacity of the routers). With 5G, this figure is going to multiply a lot, allowing us to have many small devices connected at the same time, finally making the “internet of things” (IoT) feasible. 
  • Battery saving. Just as the Wi-Fi connection consumes less battery than 4G, 5G technology consumes less battery than the previous ones, with which our mobile devices will have longer battery runtimes, which will also allow applications in places without power supply much more efficiently than has been done until now.

Great importance of 5G

5G is going to be a great revolution, but it is not left alone in the world of mobile telephony and communications. In the end, it will impact a multitude of booming sectors, such as telemedicine or robotics. With 5G technology, a patient could be operated with a surgical robot from the other side of the world with a high quality of results.

Any industry that needs to process its data in near real time and produce responses will also be affected, from automated trading to self-driving cars to precision agriculture to cybersecurity.

Is 5G safe?

Surely you have ever heard that 5G is dangerous, or that through 5G the brain chips that get us with vaccines will be activated.

But the real and current evidence is that there is no scientific study that shows that the 5G signal is dangerous to health, in fact, it is less intense than other types of electromagnetic exposures that we suffer daily and that are not subject to controversy.

About Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ)

Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) is an IT company specialized in creating innovative solutions with high technological content for its clients. It is based in Estonia and the founder is Cristian Albeiro Carmona Hernández. The company is made up of a multidisciplinary team of experts in their respective fields and various locations around the world.

With an experienced team and the vocation to help its clients, Horizon-Agency (Orienta united Agency OÜ) is an international benchmark in innovative and personalized solutions according to client needs.


5G is going to revolutionize many sectors, if not almost all. If you want to stay informed, or if you think you may need the design of a business solution related to 5G, do not hesitate to follow the track to Horizon-Agency (Orienta United Agency OÜ). 

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Ranbeer Maver is a Computer Science undergraduate. He's a geek who embraces any new consumer technology with inhuman enthusiasm.