Ways Science Can Help You Manage Stress

Human well-being has many facets. It’s just not about physical well-being or eating right. It’s about mental well-being as well which is crucial to your overall health.

However, proven by research using elisa kits and other in-house advanced medical technology, one in 14 is affected by anxiety, depression, and stress at any time. This makes our mental well-being undermined by stress and anxiety.

We all know that the release of adrenal hormones is common if we are terrified but its not common if we are just stressed.

So, how can science help us to manage stress and to lower down levels of adrenal hormones whenever the brain activates neural peptide bodily systems.

Here are some steps which can modify this urgent response as proven by several scientific studies:


Take Control

Lack of self-empowerment leads us to the problem of confronting more often. Passive thinking or having pessimistic thoughts can worsen your stress. To manage your stress is to develop self-empower yourself.

The first step to manage stress, the most ubiquitous part of our lives is to identify the cause of stress, to look for the right solutions and to feel better eventually.

Be Active

Science has proven that there is a piece of good evidence that great self-esteem and physical exercise are linked with chemical changes in our neural systems. One such example is giving off natural endorphins to promote better sleep.

However, we do not have to spend hours working out in the gym. 1.5 hours of cardio and aerobic activity three times a week can do the trick.


It is better to reach out to your friends, family members, colleagues and significant other rather than keeping it only to yourself. This will allow you to share your feelings and sentiments with them.

Have lunch or a day out with your friends and family. This will not only bring you closer to them but will also give them a chance to support you.

Keep Learning

Gaining new knowledge or a set of skills can level up your confidence and would develop a sense of achievement in you.

If you are passionate about anything, be it cooking, learning music, swimming, dancing or a course, sign up for it.

Setting small targets in your course can develop optimistic feelings of confidence and achievement in you. It’s about challenging yourself to feel better, whether it be at work or at home.

Be Benevolent

The more you will give, the happier you may feel. Small acts such a passing a smile or greetings can help too. Large contributions to the community can bring out a new you, free of stress and anxiety.

Giving, supporting and helping others toward a goal can reduce anxiety and stress, proven by the scientists.

If you can’t volunteer, try favoring someone, such as bringing coffee to your colleague. Being benevolent can stimulates positive feelings in the brain, putting you out of the stress coma.

Work Smarter

Science says that working smarter can help you get over stress. It is better to prioritize tasks at your work rather than completing all of them at once. Its all about working smarter and not harder.

Moreover, set a personal time in your office hours for yourself to give yourself a break even if it’s just 15 minutes.

Be Mindful

Be mindful of your actions and body. Recall yourself that these mental events happening in your brain cannot take over and ruin the present moment. Always try to keep yourself at peace.


Science is deeply involved in all the meta-analysis studies about stress and anxiety management. And, it is providing us with scientifically proven ways to manage stress and anxiety so that we can live peacefully even with a busy schedule or work pressure.

Charu decided to unite her Honors Degree in New Media and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech and gaming journalism. You can usually find her writing about a variety of topics and drooling over new gadgets and games.