How to Run Your Raffle Fundraiser?

Are you ready to start a raffle fundraiser? Here, we have a complete guide that will help you create a successful raffle fundraiser that highlights all the issues you need to cover.

Five steps to run a raffle fundraiser

We have reduced the process to simple five steps that you can use to run a fundraiser.

Raffle Fundraiser

Step 1: Check the laws

It is important that you understand the laws governing raffles in your jurisdiction. Don’t assume that the laws are universal and you can run similar raffles in different places. The first place to seek this information is from local authorities that will guide your next steps.

The most important issue that you will be highlighting is taxation. You must understand the tax laws governing the gambling industry in the jurisdiction where you will be running your raffle business.

Step 2: Create a team and plan 

Let’s face it, you can’t run a raffle promotion alone. You need to assemble a team that will help you plan for the following:

  • The goal of your fund is to help you decide on the price of tickets
  • The timeline of your raffle promotion
  • The theme of your raffle
  • The prizes that you will offer to winners
  • The method of selecting winners

If you are starting this business, you can learn how to create a raffle alone using existing raffle creation platforms. This will reduce the amount of time and money spent on working as a team.

Step 3: Gather gifts 

You’d better have exciting gift ideas to make your raffle a success. Many people are only attracted to raffles because of the gifts offered. You can search for creative raffle gift ideas online to get started.

Some common ideas that still work include cash, holiday trips for two, tickets to popular events, and gift baskets among others. The idea is to find a perfect gift for your target market.

Step 4: Promote and sell your tickets 

This is the most important step in the success of your raffle business. You must promote your raffle to get sales. Remember, the more you sell, the more money you will get for your cause. Use all the available marketing avenues including social media.

You can set a budget for marketing your raffle fundraiser.

Step 5: Announce the winner publicly 

Let the announcement of the winner be as public as it can be. It is a nice marketing strategy that you can use for your next raffle fundraiser. This means that the person who wins should share their experiences to show how real it is to become a winner.

Getting started

Most people have all these ideas but are unable to execute them because they can’t start. You should give it a try following these simple steps. There is an almost guarantee that your raffle fundraiser will be a success if you follow these steps shared above.

You can always get inspiration from other online raffle promotions to see how it is easy to create a raffle for any fundraiser.

Ranbeer Maver is a Computer Science undergraduate. He's a geek who embraces any new consumer technology with inhuman enthusiasm.