How to Survive the Slow Season As A Freelancer

Life as a freelancer is unpredictable. Even the most talented freelancers will have slow seasons where it’s hard to find new work. If you are a freelancer, it’s important to be prepared for this type of dry spell. Here’s how to survive the slowdown:

Work On Your Website

New work might not be coming in, but there are other things to work on to keep yourself busy during the slow season. Start by improving your personal website. Potential clients want to see your most recent work, so update your website with client references and samples of your work.

Adding a blog is another way to improve your website. Use this blog to establish yourself as an expert in a specific area. For example, if you are a freelance SEO writer, publish blogs on conducting keyword research, optimizing content pages, and improving local SEO. Having a blog will prove to potential clients that you are the right freelancer for the job.

You may not get paid for this now, but working on your website will pay off in the long run, so add this to your to-do list during your slow season.

Apply For A Short-Term Loan

Freelancers should always put money aside so they can make it through slow seasons. But if this money runs dry, consider applying for a short-term loan. Applying for a loan can help you make ends meet until your business picks back up again.

Even if your credit isn’t in the best shape, you can still qualify for a secured loan such as a car title loan. Use your vehicle as collateral in order to secure the cash you need to survive your slow season.

Keep Pitching New Clients

It’s important to continue pitching to new clients throughout the slow season—even if no one is responding. Don’t take this rejection personally. These clients probably receive countless other pitches every day, so the competition is fierce. You will eventually hear back from someone as long as you don’t give up hope.

Try to send 5-10 pitches to new clients every day of the workweek. Don’t use the same pitch for every client—tailor the pitch to meet each potential client’s unique needs. The client should be able to tell that you’ve researched their company and know what they’re looking for just by reading your pitch.

Reconnect With Former Clients

Pitching to new clients is important, but so is reconnecting with the clients from your past. Now is the time to reach out to former clients to reconnect, remind them of your services, and see if they have any new work to offer. There’s no shame in initiating this conversation with a former client—in fact, it shows your former clients that you are a hardworking self-starter who is committed to succeeding.

Most importantly, stay positive. Remind yourself that it’s normal to experience a slow season as a freelancer. Instead of having a meltdown over your future, use this time to prepare yourself for the busy times ahead. This way, you will be ready to handle whatever comes your way in the future.

Ranbeer Maver is a Computer Science undergraduate. He's a geek who embraces any new consumer technology with inhuman enthusiasm.