When To Go For An STD Screening?

If the question is when to go for an STD test, sadly the answer is not always simple and depends on the STD you think you have. Besides, not all STD tests are the same. Some look for disease-causing pathogens or viruses, whereas some are looking for the body’s immune responses towards the infection.


Waiting for STD Test results

How long will it take for someone to show an accurate negative or positive result in an STD test? It depends on 2 main factors. They are:

  • What type of STD were they exposed to
  • Which type of STD tests were conducted

Of course, there are several other factors too which affect the accuracy and time of an STD test. Thus, it is almost impossible to judge how long someone should wait before going for a test. Furthermore, it is even an extremely difficult question from the research point of view. After all, both ethically and practically you cannot expose someone to an STD and then test them repeatedly to see when they get a positive in test.

Some STD testing methods may take a long time to come back. Then again, there is also an option of going for same day STD testing for many different STDs to receive quick results.

Fast results

The waiting period after getting the test done is quite overwhelming. If you think it isn’t your thing, go for rapid STD tests. These tests give results in less than an hour sometimes. However, not every clinic has rapid tests. Also, rapid tests are not available for every type of STD. If you are planning to go for a rapid STD test, the best thing to do is call and check in advance whether the clinic offers rapid STD tests or not.

If it is not a rapid STD test, be prepared to wait for at least 48 hours to 2 weeks to get your STD test results.

Discussing a positive STD result with your partner

Disclosing a positive STD test result is very scary. However, it is obviously less damaging than exposing them to STD. By disclosing your STD, you are at least giving your partner a chance to minimize their physical risk.

Regular STD testing is the only way to reduce the likelihood of living with an undetected and untreated STD, as well as transmitting it to others. However, keep in mind, that just because you are going for regular STD screening, it doesn’t mean you can have unprotected sex. In fact, having safe sex is the first thing you must practice in order to avoid any risks of catching and transmitting an STD.

Ranbeer Maver is a Computer Science undergraduate. He's a geek who embraces any new consumer technology with inhuman enthusiasm.