What Jobs Are Available After Studying Sports Medicine?

Are you planning to study sports medicine and is wondering what types of jobs are available?

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Well, studying sports medicine can open up your path to a bright and brilliant career.

You can either start your own venture or even opt for jobs that are rewarding. Some of the most promising job profiles after studying sports medicine are –

Sports Medicine

Athletic Trainer

Medically trained athletic trainers are quite different compared to personal trainers or exercise instructors who teach sports movements. Athletic Trainers help in preventing sports injuries by working with athletes, physical therapists, coaches, and doctors. Athletic Trainers need to have a license and degree to apply for the job. This is a very flourishing sector and will keep on growing with the rise in the awareness of sports among children and teens.

Physical Therapist

Physical Therapist is people who help in improving the movements of the people who are suffering from disease and injury. From manual manipulation to exercise, stretches and using various equipment they can help in treating your conditions. To be a physical therapist, you will need a master’s degree as well as a license. After various surveys, it has been concluded that there will be a jump of 36% in employment in this sector in the coming years. This is due to the increasing life expectancy of people and senior citizens are more prone to avail of this service.

Sports nutritionist

A nutritionist is very important for people in sports as they have to keep their body fit without compromising on the nutrients that go into the body. They plan the meal or entire menu of the athletes. Nutritionists are also known as dietitians, will need an undergraduate degree and license to practice as a nutritionist. There is a growing interest in the population about nutrition as it helps you to be healthy and prevent diseases.


Biomechanist researches how physics affects physical activity and sports. It also determines how muscles and bones that are injured can be improved. You will need a master’s degree to get a job in this sector.

Medical doctor

Doctors basically diagnose the disease and injury to prescribe medicine that will include medicine, physical therapy or other different measures. They also supervise the sports medicine program and also works with other professionals of sports. They get the most rigorous training due to the specialized services that they offer. Along with the undergraduate degree, to be a sports medicine doctor, you will have to take 4 years of additional training. You will then need to specialize in sports medicine by undergoing three to five years of residency/internship, and then two more years for fellowship. Doctors will always be in demand and thus their requirement will always be high.

If you love sports and medicine, then this is the right field for working. Here you will have to investigate problems and find solutions for the same, thus the job will never get monotonous for you.

Lana Martinez is a freelance technical writer living in the Santa Clara. She's a gadget and tech geek who loves to write how-to articles about a wide range of topics. When she's not writing about technology, Lana loves watching and reading mysteries, cross stitching, and attending musical theatre. She's also an avid Doctor Who fan.