Skills That Can Help You Advance Nearly Any Career

We Americans are hard-working folks. We study hard in school and, more and more often, head to college for bachelor’s degrees and to graduate schools for more advanced degrees. We work long hours, and we tend to leave our vacation days on the table, choosing more work over our own free time. Yet some of us find ourselves with careers that don’t feel fulfilling or rewarding. We feel underpaid or underappreciated. We want more.

Advancing a career can be tough. Many of us were put on track for our current careers through the choices that we made much earlier in our lives, including the universities we attended and the majors we chose. While college majors aren’t the final say for career options, suggesting that it’s easy to change gears and careers without going back to school would be far-fetched.

Or is it? You actually have many ways to improve your employability, your earning power, and your career options without getting any new degrees. Gaining new skills that make you better at your current job and better-suited to potential future positions can be a game-changer. The primary question to ask, then, is which skills should you learn? Some skills are fairly specific to certain types of jobs, but others have broad applications. These broadly applicable skills are great places to start, because they help you keep your options open while also improving your current situation.

Career Growth


Computer programming is a skill that is becoming increasingly important in today’s working environment. So it stands to reason that folks hoping to improve their career prospects would want to consider learning a computer programming language. But which one should they learn?

Well, that’s the problem. Nobody in the tech world wants to say. It’s notoriously hard to pin down which, if any, programming language is the best for first-time learners.

But if you want a simple language with broad applications in business, banking, tech, and other industries, investing in Python training is a good choice. Python is a powerful language that is widely used even in industries that don’t have an explicit technology focus.


Do employers want leaders? They say they do. But when you get stuck in the same role for years, it can seem impossible to get the chance to actually learn or demonstrate any leadership.

But your next employer might want leadership. And leadership is likely to be vital to the bigger, better, and higher-paying roles that you’re seeking as you aim to better your career. So you’d better get some experience with it. How do you do that?

Taking leadership courses is a great place to start. Such courses are concrete things that you can put on your resume, and they have real value — especially if you get a certificate or other proof of your abilities. Another great idea is to take a leadership role in something outside of your work. Volunteer and work your way up to organizing volunteer efforts and fundraisers. That will show leadership and organization skills and will look great on your resume.

Social media skills

Great social media skills can get you hired. Poor ones can get you fired. And when you’re in a leadership role in modern business, you’ll be glad that you understand how social media works. So take it from us: training yourself in the world of social media can be a very good idea.

Take a course, and practice what it preaches on your own social media account. Become mindful of your social media presence: Be an effective self-promoter, and don’t make mistakes that will hurt your career.

All of these skills are great ones to have. By training yourself or — better yet — by taking a course, you’ll improve your career prospects and become a force to be reckoned with in nearly any industry.

Richard Brock is an experienced writer who has contributed to many mainstream websites with his quality articles in consumer technology. Though he is new here, his articles are already helping tons of our daily readers to live their life better.