Streamlining Fitness: How Tech is Dominating the Latest Fitness Trends

How are you doing with your new year resolutions? 33 percent of people resolve to lose weight every January. Losing weight isn’t the only reason to get fit. But it’s a great excuse to take up exercise. And now, it’s easier than ever to follow fitness trends using the latest tech. Smartphone apps make it easy to count your steps and calories.

Wearable technology (smart watches and trackers) take this functionality to the next level. So if you’re wondering what tech you need to keep up with fitness industry trends, read on.

health and fitness

Must-Have Gadgets Help with Fitness

Downloading apps like Google Fit turns smartphones into fitness trackers. But you don’t always want to wear your phone in the gym. Dedicated fitness trackers are more robust and sync with your smartphone’s apps. The FitBit is the most famous of the wearables. But brands like Garmin offer trackers too. They help you count your steps, your reps in the gym, and calories consumed.

It’s not just watches that offer fitness tracking capabilities. Sport shoe brands are getting in on the action too. Under Armour released their Hovr range of sport shoes. They include a built-in chip to track your running stats. are working on a swimming tracker that fits a range of swimsuits. It’ll pair with its app to track your swimming stats. And if you want better equipment to keep up with exercise trends?

Peloton pairs indoor exercise cycles with streaming so you can attend spinning classes at home. They’ve also launched a treadmill version if you prefer running.

Fitness Gadgets Get Smart

Fitness tech isn’t all about wearables. There are also some cool gadgets to help you meet your fitness goals in other ways. Shipping in 2019, the ShapeScale doesn’t just tell you how much you weigh. It also scans your body in three dimensions.  You can track your fat loss and muscle gain using its built-in heat maps.

And if you’re recovering from a back injury and trying to get back into fitness? Try the Valedo Back Therapy wearable device.

Wear it on your lower back and connect it to a smart TV. The software guides you through exercises to make sure you do them right. It’s like having a physiotherapist in your living room.

Apps Help Users Follow Fitness Trends

Using mobile apps is the easiest way to keep up with the newest exercise trends. Some fitness clubs offer apps so members can book classes from their smartphone.

A range of apps let people engage with yoga in their own home. Load up a workout on your smartphone or tablet. Follow the poses for a guided routine. And if High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is more your thing? There are plenty of HIIT apps available providing timer-based workouts from your phone.

Which Gadgets Do You Want?

All these gadgets and tech solutions make it easy to follow the newest fitness trends. By tracking your fitness, you’re more likely to reach your goals. You can see at a glance what’s working and what isn’t. And you can see how far you’ve come on your fitness journey.

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Lana Martinez is a freelance technical writer living in the Santa Clara. She's a gadget and tech geek who loves to write how-to articles about a wide range of topics. When she's not writing about technology, Lana loves watching and reading mysteries, cross stitching, and attending musical theatre. She's also an avid Doctor Who fan.