How to Ace Probationary Period of Your New Job?

Probation period is a time frame of engaging an employee to judge his/her performance, how well the person fits in with other employees, responds to authority, and behaves in the workplace on the suitability of a position. An employee on probation period can be justifiably terminated by the employer due to unsatisfactory performance.  It is a trial period during which you serve as a new employee in an organization.

All private and government organizations will generally have a probationary period which typically lasts between 1 month minimum and 2 years maximum respectively for a new employee at the start. The main purpose of this period is to decide whether “the job is right for you or you are right for the job”.  Completing a probationary period at work is one of the most difficult parts of a job. In this article, I will explore some strategies that will assist every new employee to shine in this period.

probationary period

Know about probationary period policies

Read through your job description and request the employer to provide you a copy of probationary period policies and read them. This will help you to perform your job with peace of mind and focus on the objectives that you need to meet to pass your trail.

Have a good attitude

Smile, display positive body language and  prepare yourself to be polite yet firm, respectful yet confident on day one at the job to display a professional, kind, upbeat demeanor. Work on interpersonal skills and make friends. Treat all colleagues with respect but avoid gossip and office politics.

Measure your progress

Self-assessment is very necessary during the probation period. Don’t wait for other employees to tell you about your performance. As evidence, prepare a track record of the challenges that you face your achievements and developments to show your manager at the end of probation review. A daily planner is a great way to organize and maintain work progress.

It is Ok to Make Mistakes

If you make some mistakes in the assigned tasks then don’t try to bury your head in the sand, be honest and admit your mistakes. Don’t lose interest and keep on working hard.

Ask questions

Absorb as much information as you can. Participating in on-the-job training and asking questions not only make sure that you have all the information to fulfill your responsibilities of the new job so that you can handle the job very well but also show how much you care about your job and accountability. This will reflect curiosity to learn. Make suggestions but don’t criticize. Make yourself presentable.

Be punctual

Employers can lose confidence in an employee if he/she is showing up later than desired so always try to deliver your work on time or early if possible. Arrive at the office a little early and leave the office a little later than working hours to show that you are very serious towards your job.

Don’t Overdo

There is a very thin line between dedication to a job and getting immersed in it. Never take on extra work to impress your boss until you can finish your regular, day to day task. Always try to remain stress free and maintain a good work balance to increase your efficiency and work output.

Avoid time off in the early months

All can happen in life and no one commit to not taking time off, but you should try your best to avoid time off in the early months so if you have planned a trip or another obligation on the calendar year before the start of the job, cancel it as early as possible. Avoid being late or absent during the trial period, especially in the first few weeks. Keep in mind that no sick leave and paid time off are provided on probation.

Understand Expectations

Finding what is desired from you by the employer is the key to success. Either ask this directly from your boss or spend time to search out colleagues, former employees with experience working for that employer.

get dream job


Bad listening skills make an employee appear arrogant and unwilling to adapt the knowledge so be a good listener to show that you want not only to learn more about the job but also want to do it to the best of your abilities and skills.

Get lots of rest and eat healthy

If an employee comes to the office red-eyed and yawns regularly at work it may suggest to your boss that the job is too hard for you to handle. It is hard to get a good sleep in the early months of a new job but try to take at least 6-8 hours of sleep to always appear fresh and ready. Work is at its place, but care of self-body is also important.


Transparency is the key during the probationary period. Probationary periods are equally important for both employer and employee to build mutual confidence and trust. The main purpose of this period for an employee is to know about the work environment and to show how well he/she can fulfill expectations of the company or organization.

Poor communication skills, dishonesty to accept feedback, too emotional, lack of motivation and wrong temperament are the main reasons for failing in this period. Lastly, I will suggest every new employee to be professional, teachable and put in a little extra work on the front end not only to survive but also to excel through this period.

Charu decided to unite her Honors Degree in New Media and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech and gaming journalism. You can usually find her writing about a variety of topics and drooling over new gadgets and games.