Technological Advancements in Manufacturing Safety

Efficiency and productivity are paramount attributes in modern manufacturing. Recently, safety in manufacturing has significantly improved thanks to technological advancements. From integrating safe circuits to innovative heat treatment techniques, manufacturers classify safety in their daily operations. Here’s what you need to know.

Safe Circuits

One important aspect of manufacturing safety is intrinsically safe circuits. These circuits stop hazardous materials from combusting when flammable gasses or liquids are present. According to IAEI Magazine, the three components of an intrinsically safe circuit are the field device, intrinsically safe barrier, and field wiring. They all come together as a technological innovation in safety enhancement.

electrical safety

The field device, such as a sensor or actuator, is equipped to function safely even in potentially explosive environments. The intrinsically safe barrier acts as a buffer, shielding the energy that could cause ignition. Finally, the field wiring limits any generated heat to a temperature well below the threshold required for ignition. This trio of safety measures illustrates how technology has helped mitigate risks. This trifecta safeguards the well-being of manufacturing employees.

Heat Treatments

Electrical systems are not the only area where technology has helped to make manufacturing safer. Heat treatment techniques, such as normalizing, have also undergone a transformation to prioritize safety. According to Bluewater Thermal Solutions, normalizing is a heat-treating technique in which a part is held under extreme heat, as high as 1700°F. After this, it’s air-cooled to increase ferritic grains in the steel for consistency. This process supplements the consistency of grains in steel. This exercise improves material properties.

Modern manufacturing incorporates safety features into the normalizing process by equipping temperature monitoring systems with sensors and automated controls to maintain safe temperatures. This safer process protects employees who face exposure to high temperatures. In addition, it produces better-quality metals.

Employee Training

Before adopting manufacturing safety measures, a business commits to a culture that prioritizes the well-being of its employees. Safety training for employees is fundamental to the organization’s culture. Prioritizing safety training is an integral component of a solid quality control program. A reputable metal fabricator will include safety training as part of their documented quality control program.

This safety training may include properly using PPE, such as 3M masks with welder hoods. This comprehensive employee training encompasses the correct usage of personal protective equipment (PPE). Southern Metal Fabricators suggest these masks not only protect against particulates but also ensure that welders are shielded from harmful light exposure. The integration of such equipment into safety protocols reflects the evolving state of manufacturing safety, where technological advances protect employees against potential risks.

Safety Protocols

In addition to reinforcing a culture of care and concern for the well-being of employees, integrating technology into manufacturing safety protocols has not only reduced workplace accidents. Still, it has also increased efficiency and productivity among such businesses. When employees understand that their safety is a top priority, they completely focus on the scope of their jobs. They know they don’t have to be concerned for their well-being. Safe employees are happy and productive employees. In addition, the implementation of advanced safety measures often results in increased compliance with safety regulations. Ultimately, this protects businesses from potential legal ramifications for unsafe systems.

Technology improves the safety of manufacturing safety by incorporating workplace protocols. It also recognizes the safety and well-being of employees in the field. Intrinsically safe circuits, innovative heat treatment techniques, and advanced PPE capabilities are evidence of the progress that has been made. As technological advancements continue to evolve, businesses must remain vigilant in adopting such advancements in order to remain committed to the priority of workplace safety. Along with safety comes increased quality productivity. It also improves the relationship between employees and the manufacturing process.

Lana Martinez is a freelance technical writer living in the Santa Clara. She's a gadget and tech geek who loves to write how-to articles about a wide range of topics. When she's not writing about technology, Lana loves watching and reading mysteries, cross stitching, and attending musical theatre. She's also an avid Doctor Who fan.